Monday, November 30, 2020

Silver Lining, Day 1410

 Rudy goes "woof"

Ivanka goes "meow"
Donnie goes "tweet"
And Pompeio goes "squeek"
Jared goes "moo"
Don Jr goes "croak"
And the McConnell goes "toot"
Lame Ducks say "quack"
And Pence go "blub"
And the Lindsay goes "ow ow ow"
But there's one sound
That no one knows
What does Fox News say?
What does Fox News say?
What Fox News say?
What Fox News say?
Squad-squad-squaddo-squaddo-squad "
What Fox News say?
Big red lies
Conspiracy nose
Chasing fraud
And finding no holes
Tiny paws
Up the hill
Suddenly you're standing still
Your leader is orange
So pitiful
Like a devil in disguise
But if you meet
A friendly Hannity
Will you communicate by
How will you speak to that
What does Fox News say?
"Frauda-frauda-frauda-but how?
Frauda-frauda-frauda-but how?
Frauda-frauda-frauda-but how?”
What the Fox News say?
What the Fox News say?
"A-O-C ha-hee!
A-O-C ha-hee!
A-O-C ha-hee!"
What the Fox Newssay?
What does Fox News say?
The secret of Fox News
Spin conspiracy
Somewhere deep in the South
I know proof is hiding
What is its sound?
Will we ever know?
Will always be a mystery
What does Rudy say?
You're my fallen angel
Hiding in the news
What is your sound?
(Lie-aa-way-do, wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do, wa-wa-way-do)
Will we ever know? (Biden-budabud-dum-bam)
I want to (Kamala-dum-day-do) I want to, I want to know!
(Tooay-manay-votays bum-bum bay-do)
We’ll never know.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Silver Lining, Day 1409

Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. And a Trump election lawsuit is dismissed.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020

Silver Lining, Day 1407

 We've entered into the "Donnie on Bath Salts" stage of the presidency.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Silver Lining, Day 1406

Thankful that this is my last Thanksgiving silver lining. (And thankful for all of you who have told me they will miss my silver linings.)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Silver Lining, Day 1405

The Law and Order President just pardoned Michael "Lock Her Up" Flynn, who pled guilty not once, but twice, to lying to the FBI. In case you needed an extra side dish for your Thanksgiving feast tomorrow, there's plenty of Tangerine Horseshit Pie* to go around!

 *(sorry Kermit)

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Silver Lining, Day 1404

 In a rare break from tradition, Corn the Turkey pardoned Trump in the Rose Garden today.