Monday, January 30, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 11

The National Football League's Pro Bowl was much easier to ignore this year.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 10

Fun with Fill in the Blanks:

Astonishingly, my opinion of ________________ has increased a thousandfold.

A) George W. Bush
B) Dick Cheney
C) King Joffrey Baratheon
D) All of the Above

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 9

Awkward moment with Meryl Streep unlikely to happen. "Overrated" Streep received lifetime honor from the Kennedy Center in 2011, so chance of her throwing him from theater balcony is slim, sparing the country the ordeal of a divisive philosophical quandary as to whether such an action was a better performance than her role as Donna in Mamma Mia!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 8

The president's surname provides hours of entertainment to people like me who like to play with words.

Case in point, you can use his name to embellish popular curses and avoid the network sensors (kind of like what Eleanor's character on the sitcom "The Good Place" is currently doing with the words "fork" and "shirt").

For example, Trump Off! Go Trump Yourself! Eat Trump and Die! Mothertrumper!

You couldn't do that with Obama, or Reagan, or Clinton, with the same oompf! Bush could have worked, but the soft shhh sound lessens the impact of calling someone a Bushhole. Trumphole is infinitely better.

And to be bi-partisan here, you can also do this if you like the president! Fight the negative with the positive! Why should those of us with clouds and silver linings have all the fun?

For example: Happy Trumpday! Merry Trumpmas! I Trump You! Oh, Baby, I love it when you trump my trump! 

Imagine the possibilities! You can even do it to annoy your friends who are Liberals and like sports teams you hate! Watch them squirm when you say, "Did you see that amazing pass that Trump Brady threw in the Trumper Bowl? That's why the Trumpriots won. That and Bill Trumpichek is one of the trumpiest coaches in football!"

Like, I said, HOURS of entertainment!

And don't think HE won't eat this up, he loves people talking about him. He loves the attention. Just look at him, sitting there, wearing that trump-eating grin!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 7

He's highly unlikely to call my father to wish him a happy birthday and ruin his special day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 6

My wife and I just started watching "The Man in the High Castle," and we both agree, it could be worse. Like when your drunk, racist relative comes to Thanksgiving and you think, "Well, at least he left his gun at home."

Monday, January 23, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 4

I considered changing these silver linings to "alternative facts," but decided against it. Best to leave lying to the professional liars.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 1

Energy created by founding fathers spinning in their graves is not significant enough to disrupt the orbit of the earth.

What This Is

Today we inaugurate a new president. In my corner of existence, most everyone I know is upset about this. Those who are happy, because they voted for the new president, or voted against someone much more qualified that they thought was either unlikable or crooked, whatever, I'm glad you are happy. But that's about all I can say that is positive today. They say every cloud has a silver lining. I have decided from this day forward, I will post one silver lining a day. I will likely repeat myself in the next 1461 days, or my silver lining, which might have had humorous intent, may fall flat. Or, I'll stop seeing silver linings and just give up. Regardless, you'll be seeing them, Silver Lining, Day 1, Silver Lining, Day 2, and so on and so forth.