Friday, February 17, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 29

Today is my daughter Shayna's 18th birthday, so here are eighteen silver linings in honor of our "baby" reaching this milestone.

1) She can vote.
2) Her wanting to continue her study of Russian in college, which two years ago seemed more whimsical than practical, now seems a hell of a lot more relevant thanks to Vladimir "Master of Puppets" Putin.
3) She is one more strong woman's voice in the crowd of dissent that doesn't want a bunch of old men deciding what she can or can't do with her body.
4) She loves history, gets politics, and is, now that she is eighteen, just as qualified to be Secretary of Education than the numbskull that Lord Voldemort added to his gaggle of Death Eaters.
5) She can vote.
6) She can vote.
7) She can vote.
8) She prays every night for the health and well-being of the notorious RBG, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
9) She can vote.
10) She can vote.
11) She can vote.
12) She can vote.
13) She was raised to believe in FACTS and not believe everything she hears without seeing EVIDENCE to support them. She doesn't just read a piece of paper that agenda-driven sociopaths hand her and REGURGITATE it as GOSPEL. She has a mind of her own.
14) She can vote.
15) She can vote.
16) She can vote (and will only register in one state).
17) She has a finely-tuned bullshit detector and she is ENERGIZED and poised to FIGHT the rising tide of crap that comes out of the mouths of politicians and their mouthpieces.
18) Did I mention she can vote?

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