Friday, November 17, 2017

Silver Lining, Day 302

Much has been made of the conservative leanings of the Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend of The Who. Here are fifteen (15!) songs from their catalog they should consider remaking for the Trump presidency.

15. I'm a Goy
14. Squeeze the Middle Class Box
13. Hypocrisy Me, Feel Me
12. Bullshit Wizard
11. Vlad, Reign O'er Me
10. Magic Bust (of Robert E. Lee)
9. Won’t Get Schooled Again (feat. MC DeVos)
8. We’re Not Gonna Repeal It
7. Long Live Fox
6. (I Had No Meeting with) Boris the Spider
5. Behind Blue Lies
4. Comey Can You Hear Me?
3. Meullertime Blues
2. My Degeneration


1. The Kids Are Alt-Right

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